Mama Michelle!

Monday, September 14, 2009

More Germany and Austria!

This is Us in front of the Mansion where parts of The Sound of music were filmed. Gorgeous home on a lake in a gorgeous area!

We are having a fabulous time and everything is so incredibly beautiful!!
We love the trains here- so fast and easy-not to mention clean!
We`'ve had some fun with English/German lessons as hardly anyone in Begtesgarten Spoke English at all!
We arrived in vienna today -i cant express how amazing it is..words fail..
The buildings and the archtitecture...!
I have not taken any pics here yet.

Here is a pic of the Fabulous Castle in Salzburg. One of the mightiest fortresses in all of Europe, it was never taken by force since 1100 ad! It was wisely surrendered only to Napoleon!

The is taken from the trail walking up to our wonderful B&B in Bad Rachenhall.
Such a gorgeous place on a little lake!
Love you all and cant wait to show you all of our pictures!
We are staying in Vienna 4 days - in a teensy little place off of an alley in the heart of old Vienna!


Dave and Joan said...

You are visiting some of the most beautiful places on Earth. Enjoy it to the fullest. From Dave and Joan.
PS, We had a great time camping with Brandi and Lacey and all.

Brandi and Anthony Sigona said...

Oh my gosh! Sounds like a blast! You both look great in the pic too! Love you guys!

Lacey said...

ccant wait to hear all about it! looks like fun!