Mama Michelle!

Friday, September 11, 2009


We are here safe and sound and not even too tired! It was touch and go a few times getting onour flights - standby is a little scary. Made it on the LA -Frankfurt flight by the skin of our teeth and Ric being so charming! Then first class to Frankfurt! WOW- now we know how the rich folks travel! We are staying the next few days in A lovely resort outside of Badreichenhall. near a little daarling lake and a billion trees -just at the begining of the Austrian Alps. Gorgeous!
The computer at this place wont let me upload pics or go on Facebook so you have to wait for pics. We are really glad we learned a tiny bit of german before leaving! Hardly anyone speaks more than a word or two of english and they are as nervous about it as we are German!
Having a really fun time pracxticing tho and everyone has been so nice. Got caught in a thunder and lightning storm this afternoon and were glad of the rain jackets and umbrella we through into the backpack!
Salyburg tomorrow and Eagles nest and whatever we feel like!
Love You all!!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I'm so jealous!! Have THE best time. And keep us updated. Love to hear about all of your adventures! Safe travels xoxo