Mama Michelle!

Friday, September 25, 2009

Home Sweet Home!!

Home again, home again! But here are a few fun pics from our trip. Ther are so many it's hard to choose!
This is our street in Baden-Baden! Our hotel room looked down on the little cafe's on the main street through this wonderful little town (where incidentally -my GGGG Grandparents were from!) it hasn't changed much according to the local folks we talked to! We were there the weekend of their yearly music festival! It was so much fun and entirely on accident on our part, so we joined the fun and partied in the street with the locals!

I took this pic for Brandi's collection (hahaha) This is a fountain at the Mirabelle Palace near Salzburg. But did not notice at first the near naked homeless guy picking the coins up off the bottom of the fountain - eeek!

This is a spiral staircase in the Abbey at Melk. The whole place was really amazing (though the tour itself was crappy) They have a book there that is over 1000 years old!

This was taken in Salzburg at one of the many, many fountains. The horse murals behind me are hundreds of years old!

Home at last and it feels good to be here!!
Vacation is great but what a wonderful feeling to walk back into your own home!
Thanks so much to Ryan and Adrienne who took wonderful care of the house and the puppers for us!! I can't tell everything we did and I still don't know what to say about Vienna! The buildings -the history-the fountains and statues - everywhere! It's all so beautiful, and noisy and busy and people everywhere. But it feels somehow safe and not rushed or really crowded. The city just has some kind of feel about it that I can't explain.

For instance, you buy a ticket for the bus or the U or the train - but no one ever takes your ticket or looks at it. The whole 4 days we were there....

This is at the gate from the Palace gardens at Schonbrunn ( the Hofburg family's Summer place!)

Here is a lttle video from Oktoberfest where we had a wonderful time and sang and danced on the table like the Germans do!


Lacey said...

looks like a blast! so glad that you got to go...Happy 50th Mama!! Love you!

Unknown said...

welcome home! It looks like you had a wonderful time!

Brandi and Anthony Sigona said...

Love the video! Love the wardrobe too! So glad you were able to make it out there!

Unknown said...

I love all of your posts! What an amazing and memorable time!

Grandpa + GramariO said...

Where is the photo of you up on the table dancing away?
Fun .. isn't it?