Mama Michelle!

Monday, June 6, 2011

Getty Girls Day!

Spent a really fun day with the girls on Thursday at the Getty Villa in Malibu! We had breakfast (with bloody mary's!), at the Malibu Beach Cafe, had a walk on the beach, and pier and then off to the Getty!

The day was gorgeous and the Getty Gardens were lovely!

Malibu Pier!



So Relaxing!


Pretty Pool


Trinette and Mike said...

What a fun day! And it looks like it was a beautiful one too! mmmm bloody marys....I can't wait to have a real one of those again :)

Jamie and Scott said...

wow the getty looks just as beautiful as it was years ago when i went. looks like fun...we all need to do a girls weekend when everyone is done having babies!

Brandi and Anthony Sigona said...

Still haven't made it up to the new Getty! Looks like a fun girls day!