Mama Michelle!

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Austin's Room!

We gathered in Sac to get Austin's room ready for his arrival! We had a great time visiting, eating, and playing with Gavin and Lexi!

Austin's room is ready for him and really looks wonderful!

The whole family is waiting for Austin!

The Mommy to be in Austin's room

Applying the Wall decals

The competed project!

Check out Nana's Adorable Quilt!

We're Waiting Austin.....

Random Adorableness!

.. Lexi and Emma share a moment

Gavin really loves his lttle sister!

I'm too cute for my Hat!


Cindy said...

is that really the same room?? It looks fantastic and completely transformed- you guys are ready!!! Another adorable baby room! love it guys! Can't wait to see Austin in it!

Jamie and Scott said...

wow i can't believe that is austins room. it looks great, michelle you are incredible. i can't believe that changing table use to be mine...its so different now! good job! baby austin come on now!

Trinette and Mike said...

YAY! The room looks amazing!! I was really hoping that some pictures would be up when I came into work today :) GREAT job! All we need is a little baby Austin to occupy it. I can't wait to come see it in person :) AND I love the family pic of the Jones' :)

Nonnie Sigona said...

What a great job!! Joe wants you to come do his room now. He's jealous.