Mama Michelle!

Sunday, February 28, 2010

Rainy Daze

We had a wonderful storm here in SoCal ! It rained so hard at times you could barely see throught it!
We spent the day at the harbor -Tsunami watching with our boating friends. We survived the Channel Islands Tsunami 2010!
It was really interesting. We were watching coverage of the Tsunami watch in Hawaii, and in our own Channel Islands harbor we had quite an interesting current from the quake. The tide came in REALLY FAST! Nearly 3 feet in ten minutes. This was near low tide, so the water really wanted to be leaving the Harbor, which made for wierd eddy's and currents in the channel. Then the tide went BACK OUT , really, really fast! This happened over and over. None of us had expected to see this kind of effect from the Quake in Chile.
On our way home we were treated to a huge rainbow the whole way, at times it was double - and it was very bright. I snapped a few shots that don't really do it justice. When we got home it was raining and sunny, and so pretty I just had to take this little movie!


Lacey said...

great pics! sounds like an interesting day!!!

Brandi and Anthony Sigona said...

Beautiful! We had a rainbow up here the other day too!Course i was viewing from out of a hospital window!

Grandpa + GramariO said...

Standing at the beach on tsunami day isn't our idea of a good-fun day. Beautiful (and I've experienced some of the kinds of storms that produce double, triple and quad-rain bows) but it isn't something I'd enthusiastically recommend!