Mama Michelle!

Saturday, February 6, 2010

First Try!!

Well here is my first painting attempt (on canvas) in like 35 years!
It's not anything original, just a lesson, but it was really fun to get set up and get started!
I got a couple of technique books and a color mixing book and some new paint and brushes (sheesh! all this stuff is so expensive!)
So there is paint all over the house... on my keyboard, my phone, all of the doors...oh well..
See what you think!


Lacey said...

wow!!! you are AMAZING!!! why couldnt you have passed that down to me!!

Brandi and Anthony Sigona said...

That's the same thing I said Lace! And she said her same old thing.."you can do this, it's not that hard" Sheesh! Artistic people just dont get it! LOL I love it Mama!

Unknown said...

LOVE IT!!!! I think it's fun to get out and paint, but yes expensive!! I should get you all my stuff since I never use it ;)

jen3 said...

very artistic of you! nice work!

Grandpa + GramariO said...

I can see hints of your old ability peeking through...especially the flowers. The depth will peeks through.

Unknown said...

wow! this is amazing! I can't wait to see your future paintings if this is your first attempt in 35 years!!!