Mama Michelle!

Monday, April 25, 2011

Easter 2011 - Gavin's 3rd - Lexi's 1st!

Well Lexi's first Easter has come and gone - it was quite a success I think - she had a wonderful time and her supporting cast was entertained as well! Gavin celebrated his 3rd ((gasp)) Easter! He has become a pro at Easter Egg hunts and can't wait to have some competition in a year or so! I did not get a big family group picture - sorry! and some people are missing from pictures who were in attendance - so just use your imagination! Thank you so much to Lex and Kris for hosting an amazing brunch and dinner -Ric and I are not eating until Christmas!

Nonno, Gavin & Lexi
Nonno & Lexi!

Trinette & Pluto - 8 weeks to go!
Gramps, Grandma fran & Lexi
Lexi as a Ducky!

Lexi and Mama

Some of the group

Couple Cute videos!

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1 comment:

Jamie and Scott said...

Good pictures, glad you were able to make it up for Easter. like the video of lecxi making noises with mommy, that tongue is always out!