Mama Michelle!

Friday, December 10, 2010


Lexi Has arrived as I am sure you all are aware! She was born at 5:02 on December 3rd, on her Uncle Ryan's Birthday! (bringing back wonderful memeories for her GramaShell)
She is gorgeous and healthy and her Big Brother loves her!
I was furtunate enough to be able to spend a whole week in Sac with Brandi and Anthony enjoying my TWO Grandkids!
I know you have all seen lots of pictures from many cameras, so I though I would post a few little videos so you can all feel a little like you were there too!


Grandpa + GramariO said...

The videos were really wonderful to see. Can hardly wait to see her 3D in about 15 days...

Brandi and Anthony Sigona said...

Love all the videos, but the one in the pink and gray shirt is my favorite!