Mama Michelle!

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Mama's Farm!!

Well maybe not really a farm....
but I have Chickens!
It happened a little faster than expected...
Ric and I were going to build a coop this weekend...
and then I was going to investigate finding a couple of chickens..
But...some friends of ours are moving, and need to find homes
for 20 chickens in 5 days!
We took 2...then came home and built that coop!
This is our interim coop until we can figure out what
we really want. Sorry Montana....
Our First Egg!
See the coop in the pen. It has a new front door.
I'm using the back for egg collecting and cleaning.
The run is 9ft by 4 ft

Our Girls!

The new pen and coop!

The Chicken Video!


Brandi and Anthony Sigona said...

HAHA! Thats great! this is going to make Anthony want to get a chicken even more now! Ill have to think about the names!

Unknown said...

Dan and I vote for Lucy and Ethel, as backups Thelma and Louise!

Grandpa + GramariO said...

Lucy and Enthyl work! Made Dad I and I think about our youth, where we both were invovled in raising chickens on farms we lived on...Leghorns and RI Reds. I even had a pet RIR rooster! Pigs coming soon?

Unknown said...

I was watching the video and thinking Lucy and Ethel too!!!! How hilarious. I also love Thelma and Louise. They are gorgeous girls and I think it's great that you'll be getting fresh eggs!