Mama Michelle!

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Mama & Ric! Nine Years of Married Bliss!

It Seems amazing - but as of the 5th of August, Ric and I have been married for Nine years!
Ryan and Adrienne came over and celebrated with us and shared a glass of champagne and appetizers -then we went to one of our favorite places for dinner- - Mo'Z Buddah Bar.
We had a great dinner and really enjoyed our anniversary!
Oh - and Happy 1st Anniversary to Cindy and Andy!
Such a Cool place!! Very Romantic!
Ric and Mama Michelle!


Brandi and Anthony Sigona said...

Congrats! 9 years! Wow! Love all the new pics!

Unknown said...

nine years! congrats!

Lacey said...

happy anniversay!! love you guys!!

Unknown said...

Thats SO great! Happy Happy belated Anniversary!!!

Grandpa + GramariO said...

Kids grow up so fast! ALL OF THEM.