Mama Michelle!

Monday, July 6, 2009

4th of July 2009!!!

We had a great time at the Harbor for the 4th!

Ryan and Adrienne came down and we ate, drank, Kayak'd, swam and toured the Channel!

There was a pretty good Fireworks display from the bow of the boat too! I did not get a picture of all of us, but Ric and I were really there!

We had a great time and the weather was really nice -wish you all could have joined us!


Brandi and Anthony Sigona said...

Looks like fun! Can't wait to be on the boat again! Love ya!

Grandpa + GramariO said...

So debonair in that hat! Giving GPa some competition.

Lacey said...

I miss that boat! next time you need to make ry or adg grab the camera! love ya!