Mama Michelle!

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Montana's New Hiking Duds!

Montana got some new hiking duds so that she can carry water and snacks for us when we go off on our three hour treks into the wilderness of the Wild Conejo!

When Janell and I forgot our water on a 5 mile hike (we were so hot and dry we were picturing our loved ones finding nothing but our dessicated bones), I decided that someone else should be in charge of making sure we always have back-up water supplies! Now Montana gets so excited when I put on her backpack, and she carries two bottles of water, treats, and the doggie unmentionable bags. So I dragged Ric off for a morning hike in Wildwood, and he and Custer actually made it back without either one of them needing to be carried!


Lacey said...

Wow what a cool lil doggie pack! I need to get The Doter one of those!

jen3 said...

i love the dog backpacks! sam's got one, so he can carry his own stuff:) beautiful scenery!!