Mama Michelle!

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Lacey's Baby Shower Weekend!

Last weekend everyone was here for Lacey,(and Cindy's) Baby Showers!

We had such a fun weekend -it was wonderful to see everyone!

Here are some of my favorite pictures. Unfortunately, we lost one camera card, so the pictures taken with that camera did not make it,but we still had some good ones thanks to Rosie and GGma!

Adrienne always puts together a great party!

Friends Forever, Lacey, Cindy and Brandi! Comparing Bellies! Adorable Tennis shoe Booties made by GGma!
GGma and Gavin looking at all the presents!
Gavin and Collin playing with bubbles together -and they shared really well!
Gavin and the bubble machine - he LOVED this!
Girlie Gang!

Melanie, Sarah, Lacey, Cindy, Brandi, Lexi and Elisa!

Lexi in the TuTu and headband made by GramaShell!

Is she cute or what!?

Jazzy and Cindy
Cindy, Brandi and Lacey!

haven't changed at all, lol!


Brandi and Anthony Sigona said...

So sad about my lost pics, but luckily we still have some great ones!

Lacey said...

thanks for posting some pics mama!! we had a great time!! love ya!

Trinette and Mike said...

Looks like a blast! All the preggers are SO cute!

Unknown said...

it really was such a treat to see you all for the entire weekend. time flies and the only thing that marks time are great moments with friends and family. love you all!