Mama Michelle!

Sunday, July 18, 2010

P I N K ! ! !

Our Baby is expecting ..
A Baby G I R L ! ! !
We are sooo excited!
and so is Gavin!!

We had a really fun day at the Folsom pool!
What a great place!
Wading by himself in the River!

With GramaShell at the Pool!
Top of the Slide!

Such a cutie!


Brandi and Anthony Sigona said...

HEHE! Such a cute little boy! We loved having you up and miss you already!

Jamie and Scott said...

Congrats on the granddaughter!

Nonnie Sigona said...

I'm jealous- it looks like you had a great visit. I may get just "Gavin" time, but miss the family too and so much fun. Congrats from Nonnie to GrammaShell on our granddaugher to be.

Dave and Joan said...

Don't you just love being grandparents. And now you can look forward to a little baby girl, too. How wonderful is that. Keep the blogs coming. I view them all the time. Love from Dave and Joan.