Mama Michelle!

Sunday, July 18, 2010

P I N K ! ! !

Our Baby is expecting ..
A Baby G I R L ! ! !
We are sooo excited!
and so is Gavin!!

We had a really fun day at the Folsom pool!
What a great place!
Wading by himself in the River!

With GramaShell at the Pool!
Top of the Slide!

Such a cutie!

Saturday, July 3, 2010

Summer is here -In and around the Yard!

Well summer is here and things are busy in and around the yard!
We have lots of baby birds (making lots of noise!) we have baby rabbits -everywhere! Ric just missed gettting a pic of the bunnies and the chickens eating side by side on the lawn!
my peaches are nearly ripe and I've already eaten 4 tomatoes! (I even gave Ric one, just because I love him so much...
Here are a few pics of the yard this summer!

One of the Yellow WaterLillies

More Waterlillies!

My Sycamore is looking happpier and recoveringfrom the fungus attack
The pond is beautiful -kinda being taken over by water lillies..

Another view

From the pond
My Hydrangea is gorgeous this year!
The Early Girl tomatoes are looking great!
Things are ripening wonderfully! And Deliciously!
The peaches look fabulous! I'm getting a bird net this morning -last year sparrows ate most of them -not this time!
oh -and the lemon tree has soo many lemons on it the poor thing must be exhausted! i'll bring some up north in two weeks!