Mama Michelle!

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Gavins first Birthday!

It happened so fast! the year was gone in a flash! Now my sweet grandson is One Year Old!
So many milestones in such a short time -from tiny baby only awake for moments at a time - to a busy little boy on the move every minute!
Brandi posted some really cute pictures - so here is a video of Gavin and his very First Birthday Cake!


Brandi and Anthony Sigona said...

Love it Mama!

Lacey said...

i love the face smear at the end!!

Dave and Joan said...

Lucky for you to be there for his birthday party. We are all lucky grandparents. Merry Christmas

Unknown said...

Auntie Adrienne and Uncle Ryan wish we could have been there! Happy Birthday big boy!! We love you!