Mama Michelle!

Monday, April 13, 2009

Pre Easter Party with Gavin and Company!

So I had a quick turnaround in Sac this last weekend with Gavin and Company. It was so much fun, but seemed so quick! I had a great time and we packed in lots of fun and baby play time! Jamie brough Mickey and Isabelle down for the afternoon and it was so much fun seeing them walk all over the place! They are so cute and I did not get one picture!! Too busy playing I guess! But I did get some cute pics of Gavin!!
Enough talk - here is the little guy himself! What a doll!

Mama & Papa Love Gavin!

We did color some Easter eggs

Is he pretty much the cutest baby Boy ever!!


Lacey said...

So glad we were able to see so much of you for the short time you were up! You really did get some great pics of the lil guy! Love Lacey and Danny J

Brandi and Anthony Sigona said...

So adorable! Ill send you pics of the girls...they were just all taken with my camera!

Jamie and Scott said...

he is a cute little guy! thanks for letting come in for your visit. the girls loved seeing you and so did we!

Unknown said...

You got some GREAT pictures!! He sure does love his Gramashell!!!