Mama Michelle!

Saturday, May 17, 2008

GOne fOr gOoD!

Gone for good or good and gone- gone to the dogs or here and gone!

Well it's happened - Lacey has left us for good - and taken our little monster Dakota with her!

The house is soooo quiet..i don't like it.

I know we'll get used to it though and we are very excited to follow Lace and Dakota on their adventures as they break out on their own! ( of course she'll have to actually move out of Brandi & Anthony's house first, but one step at a time folks!)
Brandi and Lacey left Wednesday morning with Lacey's car stuffed to the gills! I had to work -and i was sad all day..
I wonder how long it will take Dakota to figure out that they are NOT on vacation!


Lacey said...

Dakota has figured it out i think...she isnt eating! Yes its true, our food crazy dog wont eat her dinner, she has had to be coaxed the last two nights! i think she really misses you all, she is such a sensitive little thing!

Grandpa + GramariO said...

So how about Lacey? Has she figured it out?