Mama Michelle!

Saturday, April 19, 2008

Empty Nest at last!

Well it's finally happening! Lacey is leaving us for the not-so-new frontiers of Sacramento!Unfortunately, she is also absconding with our adorable dogter, Dakota. Though it will be quieter around here (without Dakota) and less messy (without Lacey) we will miss them most desperately!
Fortunately, we do have our new little sweetheart, Montana, a true love of a pup we found at a shelter in LA. We got her as a new companion for our Cussie boy, but we like her way more than he does!
This next year is going to be bittersweet for me, as it will probably be our last year here in Thousand Oaks. With Brandi & Anthony and Lacey all in Sac, (and a little one too!) I'm going to have to drag Ric (kicking and screaming no doubt), up north!


Brandi and Anthony Sigona said...

I love it!

Unknown said...

Wow mama, great job on the website!!

Lacey said...

Brandi's masterplan is in the works!! hah! Great website mama!

Grandpa + GramariO said...

AND you'll be closer to us!